

To sleep, perchance to dream of a thousand worlds and a thousand faces. Is the dream more real than the dreamer? The dreamer, like a spider, spins the dream in patterns beautiful from its own substance and yet knows it not. Remember oh dreamer that all dreams must end with the coming of the dawn….

A Prayer for You

Did you know that I thought of you today As I closed my eyes and bowed my head to pray? I asked the Lord to give you strength Though sore trials may come your way, To give you hope, to give you peace, To endure for another day. I asked that He shower you With…


Goodness is one expression of love. For the quality of goodness to blossom within the heart requires that the “other” is of greater significance than our “personal self.” It is this unconscious selfless act of spontaneous surrender to the other which brings forth the quality of goodness, which is the observable quality of surrender!


Silence Is … The sound of a snowflake falling on a cold winter day, The peace that passeth understanding, The stillness wherein all conflicts are resolved, The mystery which confounds the mind but is experienced by the heart,