Healing Thoughts

Chela: Gururaj, could you please enlighten me on the method of personally dealing with pain and ill health?Gururaj: Yes, through your healing thoughts. If a person has a leg injury and is limping, you picture the person as walking well or running… not as limping. (This is done in your mind’s eye after meditation because…

A Prayer for You

Did you know that I thought of you today As I closed my eyes and bowed my head to pray? I asked the Lord to give you strength Though sore trials may come your way, To give you hope, to give you peace, To endure for another day. I asked that He shower you With…


Goodness is one expression of love. For the quality of goodness to blossom within the heart requires that the “other” is of greater significance than our “personal self.” It is this unconscious selfless act of spontaneous surrender to the other which brings forth the quality of goodness, which is the observable quality of surrender!


Silence Is … The sound of a snowflake falling on a cold winter day, The peace that passeth understanding, The stillness wherein all conflicts are resolved, The mystery which confounds the mind but is experienced by the heart,

Should we be Concerned About the Opinion of Others?

Do not worry about the opinion of others. We were not put on this earth to live up to someone else’s expectations. All of us have our own life script to work out and are constantly seeking personal validation for our life and how we are living it.

How to Accelerate The Process of the Spiritual Journey

We can accelerate the process by trying, to the best of our ability, to live a good life, helping others and trying not to harm or hinder them. We should not judge others, for they are on their own path working out their own patterns. We can read uplifting books and keep company with people…

What Do We Get From A Life Of Dedicated to A Spiritual Path?

All life is on a spiritual path and anything that exists partakes of this life and path. Even the rock is on its own spiritual path. For some reason, which is difficult to comprehend, our mind fragments our life not only from the rest of creation but even itself. We believe that we have two lives,…

Letting Go of Outcome (another thought on attachment to outcome)

We should perform our duty to the best of your ability, living in and enjoying each moment, letting the workings of the universe take care of the outcome. How can we anticipate the future outcome of our life when we cannot even begin to comprehend the interacting ripples created in this vast universal pond by…

The Burden of the Spiritual Path and Suffering

This process we call “The Spiritual Path” seems burdensome or joyful depending on OUR attitude toward it.. The feeling of burden comes from the pressure exerted by our attachment in expecting the universe to conform to our ideas of what it should be. We are trying to create the universe in our own image and…